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时间:2024-05-31 21:28:36 来源:3044am永利集团欢迎您 作者: 阅读:

5月31日下午,陕西科技大学的李建全,做了题目为《Some approaches to proving global stability by Lyapunov direct method》的报告。

香港理工大学的何岱海,做了题目为《The 1978 English Boarding School Influenza Outbreak: Where the Classic Seir Model Fails》的报告。

哈尔滨工程大学的薛玲,做了题目为《Modelling the impact of diagnostic delay and vaccination on TB via an age-structured model》的报告。

华中科技大学的任国强,做了题目为《Global solvability of a two-species chemotaxis-fluid system with Lotka-Volterra type competitive kinetics》的报告。


哈尔滨工业大学的李娜,做了题目为《A nonlocal population model for the invasion of Canada goldenrod》的报告。

河南大学的王绍利,做了题目为《Bistability of an HIV model with immune impairment》的报告。


华侨大学的温振庶,做了题目为《Dynamics of ionic flows via classical Poisson-Nernst-Planck models with multiple cations:Effects from small permanent charges》的报告。

山东师范大学的傅希林,做了题目为《Dynamics for Impulsive Differential Systems with Arbitrary Time Pulse》的报告。

西安电子科技大学的吴事良,做了题目为《Spatial dynamics for a time periodic epidemic model in discrete media》的报告。

杭州师范大学的李时敏,做了题目为《On the index of equilibrium point for planar piecewise smooth differential systems》的报告。

中国地质大学(武汉)的王佳兵,做了题目为《Finite or infinite spreading speed of nonlocal dispersal Fisher-KPP equations in shifting habitats》的报告。

广东技术师范大学的陈智敏,做了题目为《Dynamic analysis of vaccination with fractional-dose meningococcal vaccine in the Africanmeningitisbelt》的报告。

昆明理工大学的石剑平,做了题目为Bifurcation and chaos analysis of a fractional-order delay financial risk system using dynamic system approach and persistent homology的报告。

哈尔滨工业大学(威海)的牛犇,做了题目为Conformists–contrarians model of identical Kuramoto oscillators on a sphere的报告。


暨南大学的黄健沨,做了题目为Estimates for the number of limit cycles of the planar polynomial differential systems with homogeneous nonlinearities的报告。

杭州师范大学的余星辰,做了题目为On the positive periodic solutions of a class of Liénard equations with repulsive singularitiesin degenerate case的报告。

重庆大学的散雪峰,做了题目为Traveling waves for an epidemic patchy model with bilinear incidence的报告。

上海交通大学的尹坤,做了题目为Invariant Manifolds for a PDE-ODE Coupled System的报告。

北京交通大学的曹鸿钧,做了题目为《Rulkov 映射的研究进展及若干问题》的报告。

哈尔滨工业大学(威海)的陈珊珊,做了题目为《Dynamics of Lotka-Volterra competition patch models with three different river network modules》的报告。


东华大学的吴潇,做了题目为《Multi-scale dynamics of a piecewise-smooth Bazykin's predator-prey system》的报告。


井冈山大学的汤小松,做了题目为《Spatiotemporal dynamics deduced by nonlocal delay competition in a diffusive Lotka-Volterra population model》的报告。

上海理工大学的马纪英,做了题目为《 Codimension-two bifurcations of a two-dimensional discrete time Lotka-Volterra predator-prey model》的报告。

华南理工大学的曾才斌,做了题目为Random Attractors and Invariant Manifolds for SPDEs with fBm的报告。

复旦大学的侯晓博,做了题目为Abundance of Smale's horseshoes and ergodic measures via multifractal analysis and various quantitative spectrums的报告。

福州大学的魏凤英,做了题目为Truncated Euler-Maruyama Method for Stochastic L-V Competition Models的报告。

山东大学的陈章,做出了题目为Asymptotic dynamics for stochastic Schrödinger lattice systems的报告。

贵州师范大学的王仁海,做了题目为Hausdorff, Fractal and Functional Dimensions of Random Attractors for Nonautonomous Random Dynamical Systems的报告。

成都理工大学的张军,做了题目为Isochronous global center of linear plus homogeneous polynomial systems and cubic systems的报告。

南昌大学的朱能,做了题目为On the Boussinesq-Burgers system driven by dynamic boundary conditions的报告。